
What is 2 111/7 as a decimal?

Accepted Solution

Solution: 2 111/7 as a decimal is 17.86MethodsFirst step – Making the fraction improper:The first step to changing 2 111/7 into a decimal is to change it to an improper fraction. To do that, we need to multiply 2 by 7 and add its product to 111 in the numerator to get: 125/7. Now we will attempt to convert 125/7 to a decimal using the following method. Explanation using the division method:A fraction is written in terms of two parts: the number on top is called the numerator and the number on the bottom is called the denominator. We can use the division method to solve this question. To get a decimal, simply divide the numerator 125 by the denominator 7:125 (numerator) Γ· 7 (denominator) = 17.86As a result, you get 17.86 as your answer when you convert 2 111/7 (or 125/7) to a decimal.Convert some more fractions to decimals!Practice some more problems on converting fractions to decimals:What is 1 35/45 as a decimal?What is 6 11/8 as a decimal?What is 3 57/27 as a decimal?What is 1 138/12 as a decimal?