
Circle K has a diameter of 24 inches. Find the exact length of semicircle HJI. In your final answer, include all of your calculations.

Accepted Solution

When you say length, I am assuming you mean the circumference?

First find the circumference: [tex]c = 2\pi\r[/tex]
r = radius = 24/2 = 12
Now plugin 12 for r
 [tex]c = 2\pi\r[/tex]
 [tex]c = 2\pi12[/tex]
Now solve 
[tex]c = 2\pi12[/tex]
Now divide in half
[tex]c = 2\pi12 = 75.398[/tex]
[tex]sim-c = \frac{2\pi12}{2} = 37.6991 [/tex]
[tex]sim-c = \frac{75.398}{2} = 37.6991 [/tex]